Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch

Adress: Otto-Hahn-Str. 16, Room 124


Time: Please contact the secretariat of the chair, e.g. by e-m7owaisqkzly7h (sek6fukruokwhetweesiariat@kgeflsvt7.cs.unitk+-dortc7mund.dehv).

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Frank Weichert

Adress: Otto-Hahn-Str. 16, Room 121


Time:  Due to the Corona crisis, there are currently no personal consultation hours. Therefore, please contact me by e-mzqpaiykol (frank.we4sp/icheqm+hurt@odgtuq4-do1krteamundh/, e.g. to arrange examination dates or to discuss final theses.