The research activities of the Chair of Computer Science VII are determined by questions from various application domains. The aim is to further open up the field of application of computer science by solving such problems. Existing methods from the spectrum of the chair's orientation are used and, where necessary, new methods are developed within this framework. The results of the research are published in Wissenschaftlichen Publikationen, Dissertationen and Abschlussarbeiten.
The research work is divided into thematically completed projects, which are assigned to specific domains of the working groups ''Computergraphik und Geometrieverarbeitung'' or ''Intelligente Sensorik in der Computergraphik'' or are also worked on in the thematic cross-section of the working groups.

Research profile of the WG "Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing"
The research activities focus on geometry processing, which deals with the efficient acquisition, representation, optimisation, processing and simulation of geometric objects. As an interdisciplinary research field, it combines concepts from computer graphics and computer science, applied mathematics and physics, mechanics and engineering.
Research profile of the WG "Intelligent Sensing in Computer Graphics"
Das Leitbild der Forschung sind Sensor-zentrierte Frage- bzw. Problemstellungen, welche sich in die Gebiete Computersehen, Mustererkennung, Visualisierung, Simulation, Optimierung und Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion einordnen lassen. Übergeordnet betreffen die Themen vielfach kooperative Arbeitsumgebungen, in denen Sensoren, Aktoren (Roboter) und Menschen (inter)agieren.