
General Preliminary Remarks

TU Dortmund University
August-Schmidt-Straße 4
44227 Dortmund

Tel: +49 231 7551

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TU Dortmund University, in accordance with section 2 (1) sentence 1 in conjunction with section 1 (2) sentence 1 no. 5 of the Higher Education Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (HG NRW), is a corporation under public law with legal capacity. It is supported by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and represented by the President, Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer.

TU Dort­mund University carries out its tasks pursuant to section 76 (1) sentence 1 HG NRW under the legal supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Völklinger Straße 49, 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany.

Value Added Tax Identification Number  (VAT ID)
Value Added Tax Identification Number pursuant to section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG): DE 811 258 273

Responsibility for content pursuant to section 18 (2) State Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag, MStV):

Chair of Computer Graphics
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Frank Weichert
Otto-Hahn-Straße 16
44227 Dortmund
Phone:+49 (0) 231 755 6122
E-Mail: fra4hunk.w39eichert@tduu-qzhfdortmund.dw6p6xeavn


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