
The Intelligent Sensing Group (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Frank Weichert) at the Department of Computer Science at TU Dortmund University. The group researchs and develops innovative methods and solutions for processing and analysis of sensor data. The group originated from the previous LS7 (Graphical Systems).

Focussing on sensor technologies and data, the group tackles applications in the fields of computer vision, pattern matching, scientific visualization, simulation, optimization and human-machine interaction. On an abstract level, the topics often converge in the area of interactions between sensors, actuators and humans in cooperative environments.


Based on methods for mathematical modelling and optimization, questions about intelligent sensing and 2D/3D signal processing are tackled by applying deep learning, geometric data processing, visualization and simulation. A special interest lies in real-time, resource-efficient concepts, which utilize massively parallel systems on GPUs and distributed embedded systems.