Scientific Publications - WG "Intelligent Sensing in Computer Graphics"


F. Weller, "Geometrische Algorithmen in der Flächenrückführung", Dissertation, TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Informatik VII, 2000.
A. Hinkenjann, "Effiziente Lösungsverfahren für Sichtbarkeitsprobleme in der realitätsnahen Bildsynthese", Dissertation, TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Informatik VII, 2000.


M. Kohler, "New Contributions to Vision-Based Human-Computer Interaction in Local and Global Environments", Dissertation, TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Informatik VII, 1999.
M. Kohler, New Contributions to Vision-Based Human-Computer Interactionin Local and Global Environments. .... Infix-Verlag, 1999.
M. Hoch, Eine neue Computerumgebung für die Planung bildkünstlerischer Prozesse. .... Infix-Verlag, 1999.
M. Hoch, "Intuitive Schnittstelle: eine neue Computerumgebung für die Planung bildkünstlerischer Prozesse", Dissertation, TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Informatik VII, 1999.


A. Hinkenjann and G. Pietrek, "Radiosity Reconstruction: Application of Scattered Data Interpolation" in Proc. Computer Graphics International 98 (CGI98), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. pp. 715-320.
F. Weller, "On the Total Correctness of Lawsons Oriented Walk Algorithm (Extended Abstract)" in The 10th International Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1998. pp. 10-12.
R. Mencl and H. Müller, "Interpolation and Approximation of Surfaces from Three-Dimensional Scattered Data Points" in State of the Art Report (STAR) for EUROGRAPHICS 98, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998.
K. Kirstein and H. Müller, "Interaction with a Projection Screen Using a Camera-Tracked Laser Pointer" in Proceedings of The International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. IEEE Computer, Society Press, 1998. pp. 191-192.
S. Schröter and M. Kohler, "Handgestenerkennung durch Computersehen" in Informatik98, Dassow, J. and Kruse, R., Eds. Fraunhofer Publica [] (Germany), 1998. pp. 201-212.
A. Hinkenjann and H. Müller, "Determinig Visibility between Extended Objects" in Proc. Computer Graphics International 98 (CGI98), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. pp. 23-31.
H. Müller, A. Hinkenjann, R. Blach, M. Göbel, U. Lang and S. Müller, "CAVE: Ein High-End-Konzept der audiovisuellen räumlichen Mensch-Rechner-Interaktion" in Informatik98, Dassow, J. and Kruse, R., Eds. Fraunhofer Publica [] (Germany), 1998. pp. 349-359.
H. Müller and D. Ruprecht, "Brain Warping" in Brain Warping,Toga, Arthur W., Eds. Academic Press, 1998.