Scientific Publications - WG "Intelligent Sensing in Computer Graphics"


C. Timm, A. Gelenberg, P. Marwedel and F. Weichert, "Energy Considerations within the Integration of General Purpose GPUs in Embedded Systems" , Proc. of the Annual International Conference on Advances in Distributed and Parallel Computing (ADPC 2010), pp. A64-A70, 2010.
L. Walczak, F. Weichert, A. Schröder, C. Landes, H. Müller and M. Wagner, "Einfluss von Formvariationen auf Finite Elemente Simulationen bei muskulären Strukturen" , Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Springer Verlag, pp. 182-186, 2010.
A. R. Zaher, F. Weichert, N. Bramsiepe, C. Landes, S. K. Awad, A. Shamaa and M. Wagner, "Computation of a tetrahedral mesh for striated muscle deformation simulation" , Journal of Microscopy, vol. 237, pp. 168-177, 2010.
F. Weichert, A. Schröder, C. Landes, A. Shamaa, S. K. Awad, L. Walczak, H. Müller and M. Wagner, "Computation of a Finite Element-Conformal Tetrahedral Mesh Approximation for Simulated Soft Tissue Deformation using a Deformable Surface Model" , Journal of Medical \& Biological Engineering \& Computing, Springer, vol. 48, pp. 597-610, 2010.
T. Wiederkehr, B. Kluseman, D. Gies, H. Müller and B. Svendsen, "An Image Morphing Method for 3d Reconstruction and FE-Analysis of Pore Networks in Thermal Spray Coatings" , Computational Materials Science, vol. 47, pp. 881-889, 2010.


A. Zybin, E. L. Gurevich, F. Weichert and K. Niemax, "SPR Detection of single Nano Particles and Viruses" in 4th International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control (PHYSCON), 2009.
C. Scheele, F. Weichert and A. Schyja, "Process adapted path planning for robot based coating of complex geometries using feature based surface segmentation" , AUTOMATION 2009, VDI Berichte, vol. 2067, pp. 89-93, 2009.
A. Kout and H. Müller, "Parameter Optimization for Spray Coating" , Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40, pp. 1078-1086, 2009.
M. Razzaq, S. Turek, J. Hron, J. Acker, F. Weichert, M. Wagner, I. Grunwald, C. Roth and B. Romeike, "Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Application to Aneurysm Hemodynamics" , Fluid-Structure Interaction. Theory, Numerics and Applications, Logos Verlag, Berlin, pp. 283-294, 2009.
F. Weichert, A. Schröder, C. Landes, L. Walczak, H. Müller and M. Wagner, "Netzgenerierung und Finite-Elemente-Simulation muskulärer Strukturen unter Beachtung korrespondierender histologischer Schnittpräparate" , Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, pp. 192-196, 2009. Springer Verlag.
M. Gaspar, F. Weichert and E. Musemic, "High Resolution Invasive Analysis of Spraying Processes at Hollow Cone Nozzles Using Fiber Sensors" , Transactions on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry, vol. 1(1), no. 1, pp. 62-75, 2009. IBAI Publishing.
F. Weichert, A. Schröder, C. Landes, L. Walczak, H. Müller and M. Wagner, "Finite-Elemente Simulation muskulärer Strukturen unter Beachtung korrespondierender histologischer Schnittpräparate" , Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 192-196, 2009.
L. Walczak, F. Weichert, A. Schröder, C. Landes, H. Müller and M. Wagner, "Evaluating the Impact of Shape on Finite Element Simulations in a Medical Context" , Modelling the Physiological Human, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer-Verlag, vol. 5903, pp. 95-109, 2009.
A. Kout, T. Wiederkehr and H. Müller, "Efficient stochastic simulation of thermal spray processes" , Surface \& Coatings Technology, vol. 203, pp. 1580--1595, 2009.
T. Wiederkehr, H. Müller, B. Krebs and M. Abdulgade, A Deposition Model for Wire Arc Spraying and Its Computationally Efficient Simulation.
E. Musemic, A. Rojek, M. Gaspar, F. Weichert, H. Müller and P. Walzel, "Experimental Analysis and 3D-Visualization of Oscillating Hollow-Conical Liquid Sheets in Quiescent Air" in 11th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), ICLASS, 2009.


C. Wortmann, "Algorithmic Analysis of Tupe-shaped Surfaces for Reverse Engineering (in German)", Dissertation, Universität Dortmund, 2008.
F. Weichert, C. Ewerlin, C. Büttner, A. Shamaa, C. A. Landes, R. Linder and M. Wagner, "Approximation dreidimensionaler Oberflächenmodelle der Lippen-Kiefer- Gaumen-Region durch aktive Polygonnetze" , Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 338-342, 2008. Springer Verlag.
T. Wiederkehr, A. Kout and H. Müller, "Graphical simulation and visualization of spray-coating processes in computer-aided engineering" , To appear in: Proceedings Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2008, (VMV 2008), 2008.
H. Müller, D. Biermann, P. Kersting, T. Michelitsch, C. Begau, C. Heuel, R. Joliet, J. Kolanski, M. Kröller, C. Moritz, D. Niggemann, M. Stöber, T. Stönner, J. Varwig and D. Zhai, "Intuitive Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Pareto Sets Applied On Production Engineering Systems" in Success in Evolutionary Computation, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 189-214.
A. Groh, A. K. Louis, F. Weichert, T. Richards and M. Wagner, "Mathematische Modellierung in der Systembiologie" , Der Pathologe, Springer-Verlag, vol. 2, pp. 135-140, 2008.
S. Pachnicke, N. Luck, H. Müller and P. M. Krummrich, "Multidimensional Meta-Model Based Optimization of Optical Transmission Systems" , IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, pp. 2307-2314, 2008.
M. Gaspar, F. Weichert, H. Müller, E. Musemic, P. Walzel and M. Wagner, "Signal-Processing based Frequency Analysis at Hollow Cones Nozzles" , Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Application, pp. 244-249, 2008.
F. Weichert, A. Groh, A. Shamaa, T. Richards, M. Wagner, S. K. Awad, C. A. Landes and R. Linder, "Signaltheoretische Analyse histologischer Daten im Ortsfrequenzraum" , Der Pathologe, Springer-Verlag, vol. 2, pp. 129-134, 2008.


F. Weichert, M. Wagner, A. Streng, A. Groh, J. Ingenerf, W. Liese, T. Richards, A. Shamaa and R. Linder, "Haptic Rendering for Blind and Severely Visually Impaired Children" , MEDINFO 2007, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics, pp. 342-343, 2007.