Scientific Publications - WG "Intelligent Sensing in Computer Graphics"



Titelblatt des Buchs Vorkurs Informatik
H. Müller and F. Weichert, Vorkurs Informatik - Der Einstieg ins Informatikstudium (2023). .... 6 Springer Vieweg, 2023.


C. Rest, D. Fisseler, F. Weichert and G. G. W. Müller, "Illumination-based augmentation for cuneiform deep neural sign classification" , Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (accepted for publication), 2022.


E. Rusakov, K. Brandenbusch, D. Fisseler, T. Somel, G. A. Fink, F. Weichert and G. Müller, "Generating Cuneiform Signs with Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks" , International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP19) , pp. 19-24, 2019.
W. Tillmann, C. Schaak, J. Zajaczkowski, H. Müller, D. Hegels, M. Gaspar, B. Kuhlenkötter and D. D. Störkle, "Investigation of a procedure for the simulation-based optimisation of robot paths for thermal spraying" , Thermal Spray Bulletin, vol. 12, pp. 89-97, 2019.


D. Stoller, I. Vatolkin and H. Müller, "Intuitive and efficient computer aided music rearrangement with optimised processing of audio transitions" , Journal of New Music Research (accepted for publication), 2018.
W. Tillmann, C. Schaak, J. Zajaczkowski, H. Müller, D. Hegels, M. Gaspar, B. Kuhlenkötter and D. D. Störkle, "Investigation into the properties of HVOF-sprayed WC-Co coatings on plane and complex surfaces, manufactured with an evolution-based path planning method" , Thermal Spray Bulletin, vol. 11, 2018.
M. Fey, J. E. Lenssen, F. Weichert and H. Müller, "SplineCNN: Fast Geometric Deep Learning with Continuous B-Spline Kernels" in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018. pp. 869-877.


V. Shpacovitch, I. Sidorenko, J. E. Lenssen, V. Temchura, F. Weichert, H. Müller, K. Überla, A. Zybin, A. Schramm and R. Hergenröder, "Application of the PAMONO-sensor for Quantification of Microvesicles and Determination of Nano-particle Size Distribution" , Sensors, vol. 17, pp. 1-14, 2017.
H. Müller and F. Weichert, Vorkurs Informatik - Der Einstieg ins Informatikstudium (2017). .... 5 Springer Vieweg, 2017.
D. Fisseler, G. Müller and F. Weichert, "Web-Based Scientific Exploration and Analysis of 3D Scanned Cuneiform Datasets for Collaborative Research" , Informatics, vol. 4, pp. 1-16, 2017.


S. Skibinski, F. Weichert and H. Müller, "Parametric Fusion of Complex Landmark Observations Present Within the Road Network by Utilizing Bundle-Adjustment-based Full-SLAM" , International Conference of Information Fusion, FUSION 2016, pp. 917-926, 2016.
S. Skibinski, F. Weichert and H. Müller, "Selected Aspects Important from the Applied Point of View to the Fusion of Collective Vehicle Data" , IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems - MFI 2016, pp. 148-155, 2016.


C. Prasse, J. Stenzel, A. Böckenkamp, B. Rudak, K. Lorenz, F. Weichert, H. Müller and M. Hompel, "New Approaches for Singularization in Logistic Applications using Low Cost 3D Sensors" , Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends IV: Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 12, pp. 191-215, 2015.
H. Müller and F. Weichert, Vorkurs Informatik - Der Einstieg ins Informatikstudium (2015). .... 4 Springer Vieweg, 2015.
D. Hegels, T. Wiederkehr and H. Müller, "Simulation Based Iterative Post-optimization of Paths of Robot Guided Thermal Spraying" , Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (accepted for publication), 2015.
L. Rothacker, D. Fisseler, G. Müller, F. Weichert and G. A. Fink, "Retrieving Cuneiform Structures in a Segmentation-free Word Spotting Framework" , International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, pp. 129-136, 2015.
S. Skibinski, J. H. Terhorst, F. Weichert and H. Müller, "Large-Scale Fusion of Collective, Areal Vehicle Data" , IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration, pp. 152-159, 2015.
G. Müller, F. Weichert, D. Fisseler, M. Cammarosano, D. Bachmann and J. Günnewig, "Modellierung einer raumbezogenen Datenbank zur Repräsentation und Analyse syntaktischer und semantischer Merkmale von Keilschrifttafeln" , Datenbank-Spektrum, Themenheft "Informationsmanagement für Digital Humanities", Springer, vol. 15, pp. 57-63, 2015.
T. Wiederkehr, H. Müller, D. Hegels, W. Tillmann and L. Hagen, "Fast Coating Deposition Simulation for Path Planning and Iterative Net-Shape Optimization on Complex Workpieces" , ITSC 2015 - International Thermal Spray Conference 2015 (accepted for publication), 2015.
V. Shpacovitch, V. Temchura, M. Matrosovich, J. Hamacher, J. Skolnik, P. Libuschewski, D. Siedhoff, F. Weichert, P. Marwedel, H. Müller, K. Überla, R. Hergenröder and A. Zybin, "Application of Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Technique for the Detection of Single Spherical Biological Submicron-particles" , Analytical Biochemistry, vol. 486, pp. 62-69, 2015.
G. Müller, D. Fisseler and F. Weichert, "3D-Joins und Schriftmetrologie - Die Entwicklung des "Cuneiform Analyser" zur Computer-unterstützenden Visualisierung, Analyse und Rekonstruktion von Keilschrifttafeln " , Current Research in Cuneiform Palaeography, Pewe-Verlag, pp. 129-144, 2015.


T. Wiederkehr and H. Müller, "Efficient Large-Scale Coating Microstructure Formation Using Realistic CFD Models" , Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (accepted for publication), 2014.
 DOI 10.1007/s11666-014-0194-y
D. Fisseler, F. Weichert, G. Müller and M. Cammarosano, "Extending Philological Research with Methods of 3D Computer Graphics Applied to Analysis of Cultural Heritage" , Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, pp. 165-172, 2014.
D. Siedhoff, P. Libuschewski, F. Weichert, A. Zybin, P. Marwedel and H. Müller, "Modellierung und Optimierung eines Biosensors zur Detektion viraler Strukturen" , Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, pp. 108-113, 2014.
P. Libuschewski, D. Kaul, D. Siedhoff, F. Weichert, H. Müller, C. Wiedfeld and P. Marwedel, "Multi-Objective Computation Offloading for Mobile Biosensors via the LTE Network" , Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: MobiHealth 2014, November 3-5, Athen, Greece, 2014.